Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Full student support for Trustworthy Computing Summer School

Another bit of "what's out there..."

Full student funding for our trustworthy computing summer school is still available, providing for airfare, meals, and lodging! Based on the previous two years, students greatly appreciated and benefited from our program. We again have an exciting set of speakers:

> Boris Balacheff, HP
> Dave Challener, Johns Hopkins
> George Coker, USG
> Michael Donovan, HP
> Virgil Gligor, CMU
> David Grawrock, Intel
> Kari Ti Kostiainen, Nokia
> Fred Leong, USG
> Andrew Martin, Oxford University
> Jon McCune, CMU
> Liam O Murchu, Symantec
> Dimitrios Pendarakis, IBM
> Ron Perez, AMD
> Ariel Segall, MITRE
> Bob Thibadeau, Wave Systems
> Michael Wei, UCSD
Please forward this message to students who may be interested in attending. Hope to see you at TIW!

TIW 2011: Third Annual Trusted Infrastructure Workshop: Advanced Summer School on Architectures for Trustworthy Computing 19-23 June 2011, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, USA

Co-located with TRUST conference 2011: 4th International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN - access directly or from event website

*** TIW Overview ***

When IT infrastructure technologies fail to keep pace with emerging threats, we can no longer trust them to sustain the applications we depend on in both business and society at large.

Ranging from Trusted Computing, to machine virtualization, new hardware architectures, and new network security architectures, and the challenges arising from the increasing ubiquity of sensitive operations on mobile devices, trusted infrastructure technologies attempt to place security into the very design of commercial off-the-shelf technologies.

The TIW is an open innovation event modeled as a highly interactive summer school, consisting of lectures, workshops, and other lab sessions.  TIW is a collaboration between government, academia, and industry intended to benefit the cybersecurity research and development agenda by bringing together researchers in the field.  It is aimed at bringing together researchers in the field of IT security with an interest in systems and infrastructure security, as well as MS or PhD students who are new to the field.  Funding is available to support student attendance (see below).

We will have security leaders from academia, government, and industry providing lectures and leading discussions, labs, and research workshops.
> *** Agenda Highlights: Lots of new material vs. last year! ***
> - Plenary keynote lecture with TRUST 2011: 4th International
> Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing
> Liam O Murchu - Reverse Engineering the Stuxnet Worm
> - Capture the Flag: hands-on, event-long competition leveraging trusted computing technologies
> - Combined gala dinner with TRUST 2011 attendees
> Learn about the very latest research in the area
> - Social outing: watch the Pittsburgh Pirates play baseball in the world-renowned PNC Park overlooking beautiful downtown Pittsburgh
> - Multiple technology lectures, research workshops, and hands-on labs.
> Learn more about open-source tools that can be used today
> For more details on the workshop and how to register, please visit

 *** Full support student scholarships available! ***

Sponsors are providing student support in the form of scholarships to aid selected students to attend the workshop. The scholarship includes coverage of all costs of workshop attendance, including airfare (up to $500), lodging, and meals. Interested students should register online and include a brief statement detailing the reason why they would like to attend. While sponsorships are available in priority to students from US academia, a small number of sponsorships can will be given to foreign students, but may not cover full travel or visa fees.

TIW Sponsors:
> - Carnegie Mellon CyLab
> - NSF
> - HP Labs
> - Microsoft
> - Google
> - Wave Systems
> Contact:
> Registration / logistical details: Tina Yankovich
> Technical details: Jonathan McCune
> Venue:
> CyLab, Carnegie Mellon University
> CIC Building
> 4720 Forbes Avenue
> Pittsburgh, PA 15213
> _______________________________________________

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