From a recent call for book chapters, here are thirty things people are studying these days in the realm of networks and the internet. These topics are the kinds that get social scientists hired by Google and Microsoft and Apple and Yahoo and Mozilla and IDEO and ....
- Community discovery and analysis in large scale social networks
- Connections between biological and social network formation
- Crime data mining and network analysis
- Cyber anthropology
- The Deep (Dark) Web
- Data protection inside communities
- Diffusion : social and biological
- Dynamics and evolution patterns of social networks
- Economic impact of social network discovery
- Evolution of social networking
- Evolution of communities in organizations
- Geography of social networks
- Impact of social networks on recommendations systems
- Information acquisition and establishment of social relations
- Knowledge networks
- Influence of culture on the formation of communities
- Misbehavior detection in communities
- Migration between communities
- Multi-agent based social network modeling and analysis
- Open source intelligence
- Political impact of social networks
- Privacy, security and civil liberty issues
- Recommendations for product purchase, information acquisition and social relations
- Social and cultural anthropology
- Social geography
- Social network experiments
- Social psychology of information diffusion
- Temporal analysis on social networks topologies
- Visual representation of dynamic social networks
- Web communities
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