Saturday, November 27, 2010

Resource News from the Library at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences

Perhaps it's not the right time in the semester to discover new online resources -- or perhaps some intellectually stimulating procrastination fodder is just what the doctor ordered....

This short video, from Tricia, the librarian at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, introduces

Click HERE for the video (~3 minutes)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Doctoral Research Opportunity

We invite applications to the Ph.D. Program in Design and Planning in the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado for research on some aspect of children or youth and the built or natural environment. Applicants should have a strong interest in the physical environment as a context for behavior, development and intervention. A degree in planning, design or allied discipline is preferred but not required. We welcome applications from countries in the North as well as the South.

Contingent on approval, the program will provide funding, including tuition, to a qualified applicant, who will be expected to work 20 hours per week as a Research Assistant or a Teaching Assistant. Support will continue in subsequent years, pending satisfactory progress through the program.

The successful applicant will be affiliated with and work in the Children, Youth and Environments (CYE) Center for Research and Design. The CYE Center includes faculty from planning, the design professions and cognate areas, as well as about one dozen PhD students from various backgrounds.

For information about the Center and its projects, see:

For more information on the PhD Program and how to apply to it, see:

February 1, 2011 is the application deadline for Fall 2011 admission.

For more information, contact:

Willem van Vliet-

Director, Children, Youth and Environments Center
College of Architecture and Planning
University of Colorado, CB 314
Boulder, CO 80309-0314

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Graduate Research Assistantships at NCSU

North Carolina State University - Graduate Program in Sociology


Please forward this announcement widely to prospective Master’s or Ph.D. students in Sociology.  We are seeking high quality applicants for up to three graduate research assistantships on a five-year qualitative
research project on low-income families and childhood obesity.  Awards are available beginning in Fall 2011.  Assistantships are for one and possibly multiple years and include stipend, full tuition remission, and fully-paid health insurance. 

Research assistantships are associated with a USDA-funded project on the structural (social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental) factors that contribute to childhood obesity among low-income and
minority populations.  Students will participate in a community-based project that will involve interviewing low-income mothers about their food practices and perceptions and working with community groups to
develop community-driven, culturally-appropriate policy changes that increase food access and address the specific challenges faced by these families.  Students will have the opportunity to be actively involved in
the entire research process.  Students with any combination of the following interests are particularly encouraged to apply:

•       Sociology of food and/or agriculture
•       Environmental sociology
•       Gender
•       Race and ethnicity
•       Social stratification
•       Sociology of family

Please contact Sarah Bowen ( or Sinikka Elliott ( for more information about the project.

Students and faculty at NC State engage in a broad range of research projects that utilize both quantitative and qualitative methods and take place in both domestic and global settings.   An additional strength of
the program is our faculty’s strong commitment to mentoring graduate students, in teaching and in research.  Faculty strengths include sociology of agriculture and food systems; environmental sociology; race, class, and gender inequality; family and life course; work and the economy; global social change and development; and crime, delinquency, and social control.  Please see our website ( for more information about the program.   To be considered for an assistantship, applications for graduate study are due by January 1, 2011.