Saturday, February 20, 2010

Linguist Robin Lakoff at Mills

On Wednesday, March 31st, the well-known linguist and feminist Robin Tolmach Lakoff, author of Language and Woman's Place will speak to President Holmgren's "Development of English" class about how her theories have evolved over time. President Holmgren would like to open the class to anyone who is interested in hearing Ms. Lakoff speak; the class meets in Mills Hall 135, Wednesday, March 31st 1:00 - 2:15 p.m.

From UCB website:
Ph.D., Linguistics, Harvard University, 1967. She has been especially interested in the comparative syntax of Latin and English; the relation between linguistic form and social and psychological context; language and gender; discourse strategies (e.g. indirectness and politeness); discourse genres (e.g. psychotherapeutic and courtroom discourse). Her current research includes the examination of the connections between the politics of language and the language of politics, e.g. in the media treatment of the Hill/Thomas hearings, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the O.J. Simpson trial, and the impeachment.
Lakoff also blogs at Huffington Post.

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