Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Funded Summer Research Internship

The Department of Archaeology and Landscapes at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest is offering one funded research position for June 1 through July 16. This internship is intended for early-phase graduate students and advanced undergraduates who have previous field training and are looking for more experience conducting fieldwork and supervising field school students in a research-oriented setting.

Poplar Forest is the former retreat home and working plantation of Thomas Jefferson, and is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains near Lynchburg, Virginia. Over the past twenty-five years, archaeologists have uncovered evidence of Jefferson’s time on the property and the lives of the enslaved laborers who lived and worked on the plantation during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

This year’s fieldwork will focus on Sites A and B, a fascinating portion of Poplar Forest that has connections to both the plantation’s enslaved community and Jefferson’s ornamental landscape. The successful applicant will work alongside the Poplar Forest staff to assist in all phases of field excavation, including working with and teaching field school students, during the five week field school beginning June 6. This will involve strenuous, outdoor labor in the hot Virginia sun, so good physical health is a must. In addition, the intern will need to be comfortable interacting with the public and explaining the archaeological process to museum visitors. While in residence, the successful applicant will also be granted access to the collections and research facilities of Poplar Forest. This includes a collection of several hundred thousand artifacts, a database system containing both archaeological artifact and context records, and a complete inventory containing over 1,000 historical documents relating to Poplar Forest. By partnering with the Poplar Forest staff, these collections may then be drawn upon in the future to support the student’s own research, the products of which could include professional conference papers, journal articles, Masters theses, and PhD dissertations.

The intern will be housed at Lynchburg College in a furnished room with access to kitchen facilities, located about a fifteen minute drive from Poplar Forest. Additionally, a stipend of $625 will be provided and the intern will be responsible for their own meals and transportation. Successful applicants should have at least one field school and more field experience is a definite plus. Knowledge of historical material culture is required.

By April 7, 2010, send the following information to Jack Gary, Director of Archaeology and Landscapes, Poplar Forest, P.O. Box 419, Forest, VA 24551.
  1. Personal information: Include your full name, home address, home and work/school telephone numbers, occupation, and e-mail address.
  2. A resume or curriculum vitae.
  3. A two-page statement of personal and professional reasons for participating.
  4. Two letters of recommendation from others addressing your academic and professional ability and performance, and your personality and ability to work well with others.
Selections will be made by the Poplar Forest Archaeology Department by April 14, 2010.

For more information on Poplar Forest’s ongoing archaeological research, visit: www.poplarforest.org. Any questions can be directed to Jack Gary at jack@poplarforest.org or 434-534-8105.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Colloquium You Should Check Out


Stanford University
Chance, Nécessité, et Naïveté
Ingredients to create a new organizational form

Monday, 5 April, 2-3:30 p.m.
Blumer Room, 402 Barrows Hall

We examine the genesis of new organizational forms, as well as their potential to catalyze fundamental changes in the institutional milieux that gave them birth. Our setting is the commercialization of bioscience breakthroughs in the 1970s and early 1980s, which spawned a novel collection of organizational practices that coalesced into a new science-based organizational form – the dedicated biotech firm (DBF), which became the hallmark of an upstart industry. Of greater interest, however, are the reverberations of these re-purposed practices back into the conservative institutional domains from which they were borrowed: the academy, the financial community, and the R&D labs of major pharmaceutical companies. Using historical analysis of archival data, and oral histories supplemented by interviews with DBF founders, we construct the “lash up” process that melded elements from three separate domains – academic science, commercial healthcare, and new-venture finance – into an interactively stable pattern. Our findings modify received wisdom on organizational genesis in two important ways. First, although we accept social novelty as the reassembly of pre-existing elements, we argue that it matters greatly whether such reassembly results from recombination (the rearrangement of recognizable elements within an institutional domain) or transposition (the introduction and incorporation of foreign elements from previously separate institutional domains). Second, our analysis points to an unexplored paradox in organization theory: that commercial viability and institutional influence may be inversely correlated. Among the pioneering DBFs were two distinct variants: a handful of businesses founded through recombinatory mechanisms, and a group of firms launched by “trespassers,” amphibious scientists who naively transposed academic practices and values into a commercial setting. Perhaps predictably, the former proved a more robust business model. Yet the latter – an odd, uncomfortable intermingling of science and finance – was disruptive enough to produce fresh action, with far-reaching consequences for both the academy and industry.

Woody Powell is Professor of Education and Sociology at Stanford University.

CORRECTION: Vera Long Seminar Room for Workshop

Yep, that's right, no need to trek to the library.  Trek, instead, to the Vera Long seminar room.


Workshop Today: Conference Presentation

Mini-Workshop on Conference Presenting

WHEN: TODAY 12:15-1
WHERE: Seminar room in the library
ORGANIZED BY:  Megan Black

Are you planning to present your research at a conference or here at Mills? Or would you like to find out more about it for the future? There will be a workshop, conducted by Professors Rachael Stryker and Dan Ryan, on research presentations in the seminar room in the library from 12:15-1 on Monday 3/29 (the first day back from break). If you plan to attend, please try to bring a rough outline of your presentation so you can get feedback from faculty. We will also learn some general tips on creating a good presentation and on what to expect at conferences.

Go Ahead and Skip Class!


Harvard University

HOW PROFESSORS THINK: Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgment

TODAY! Monday, 29 March 2010, 2-3:30 p.m.
Blumer Room, 402 Barrows Hall

Lamont examines the culture of excellence in the social sciences and the humanities through an analysis of academics participating in the peer review of grants and fellowship proposals. Questions to be address include: How do the evaluative culture of disciplines compare? What are the main criteria of excellence? How do panelists factor in diversity?how do they go about evaluating interdisciplinary proposals? How do the panelists convince themselves that the process "works"? Where do they believe the excellence reside -- in the proposal or outside? How do identity and emotions factor into the process? This talk will be of interest to graduate students and seasoned evaluators alike.

Michèle Lamont is Robert I. Goldman Professor of European Studies and Professor of Sociology and African and African-American Studies at Harvard University.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Talk You Might Want to Attend at UCB


The Concept of Reaction

Tuesday, April 6th
12:00-1:30 pm
Mark Lilla
Professor of Humanities, Department of History, Columbia University
Martin Jay
Sidney Hellman Ehrman Professor of History, University of California, Berkeley as respondent

ABSTRACT • What do we mean by the term "reaction"?  This concept, which drifted from the sciences to our political thought in the eighteenth century, is one of the least studied in modern intellectual history.  Libraries are full of books on "revolution" and "resistance"; there are very few on reaction, a phenomenon that has done as much to shape the West (and now the world) as the other two.  There have been potent reactions against the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, economic modernization, urbanization, colonialism, and now globalization.  The term is usually used to describe individuals and movements on the right, and is often confused with conservatism.  Yet reaction also occurs on the left (in radical environmentalism, for example).  This talk will explore the many meanings people have given to the concept and examine whether any of them advance our understanding of modernity.

Mark Lilla is Professor of Humanities in the Department of History at Columbia University. He specializes in intellectual history, with a particular focus on Western political and religious thought. Before moving to Columbia in 2007 he taught in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago and at New York University.  A regular contributor to the New York Review of Books, he is the author of The Stillborn God: Religion, Politics, and the Modern West (2007), The Reckless Mind: Intellectuals in Politics (2001), and G.B. Vico: The Making of an Anti-Modern (1993).  He has also edited The Legacy of Isaiah Berlin (2001) with Ronald Dworkin and Robert Silvers, and The Public Face of Architecture(1987) with Nathan Glazer.  He is currently writing a book on the history of the idea of conversion.
Martin Jay is the Sidney Hellman Ehrman Professor of History at the University of California at Berkeley.  An intellectual historian, he is the author of The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research1923-50 (1973), one of the most influential works written on the Frankfurt School.  His other books include Force Fields (1992), Marxism and Totality(1984), and Adorno (1984).  He has served on the editorial boards of Theory and Society and Cultural Critique, and he writes a regular column for the journal Salmagundi.
This event is free, wheelchair accessible, and open to the public.  For more information, call Elizabeth Carlen at 510-642-0813 or isscucb@gmail.com

Center for the Comparative Study of Right-Wing Movements
Institute for the Study of Societal Issues
University of California, Berkeley
2420 Bowditch Street
Berkeley, Ca 94720-5670
Tel: 510.642.0813 Fax: 510.642.8674

Friday, March 12, 2010

Summer Archaelogy Program -- Mohegan-UCONN Field School

Note the emphasis in this program in a direction similar to what's been discussed in various courses at Mills under the name "public" (archaeology, anthropology, ethnography, sociology).

Mohegan-UCONN Archaeological Field School
Sponsored by The Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut and the University of Connecticut

The federally recognized Mohegan Tribe is conducting ongoing research into its long history in eastern Connecticut, particularly on the Mohegan Reservation in Uncasville, Connecticut (est. c.1671). As part of the process of investigating present and former tribal lands, the Mohegan-UCONN Archaeological Field School engages in archaeological research at pre-European contact sites as well as early historic sites and reservation-era sites. The Mohegan field school, now in its sixteenth year, works under the direct supervision of members of the Mohegan Tribe Cultural and Community Programs Department as authorized by the Mohegan Council of Elders.

Students participate in systematic subsurface testing, block excavations, and artifact processing. We also explore the historic and contemporary relationships between archaeologists and Native Americans through speakers, lectures, and the daily experience of working on the Mohegan Reservation. Together we are helping to build a new basis of cooperation and partnership between tribe and community as we explore the past for future generations.

The relationship between Native Americans and archaeologists has traditionally been fraught with tension and conflicting goals. The mission of this archaeological field school is to rectify this discord. We practice a form of applied archaeology and community based research sometimes called Covenantal Archaeology. We pursue and serve the research goals and objectives of the Mohegan Tribe. Our students, including Mohegans and members of other tribes, help demonstrate how archaeology can contribute to contemporary Native communities and encourage trust, responsibility, healing, education, confidence, and pride.

During the course students will learn the basics of archaeological fieldwork, from survey and testing to more intensive excavation methods and interpretation. Most of the course is comprised of archaeological fieldwork at Mohegan sites, or land that is of historic importance to the tribe. Most years, students experience the opportunity to excavate at both pre- and post-European Contact sites.

In addition to the fieldwork, students will be responsible for attending guest presentations, completing assigned readings, maintaining a journal, and participating in occasional evening discussions. Distinguished speaker lectures, mostly representatives from regional Indian tribes, are held throughout the course. Students are required to take careful notes on all guest presentations.

Course Number: ANT 3090.11 PRA. Class # 1679
Academic Credit: Six Credits
Location: Uncasville, Connecticut.
Research: Mohegan Reservation (est.1663)
Experience Required: None
Previous Coursework Required: None
Dates: June 21 – July 30, 2010

Participant Cost:
Fees and Registration: The cost of the 6-week, 6-credit field school is $1,895. Summer Session courses are paid on a per-credit basis @$300/credit hour, and include an enrollment fee of $45 (non-degree students pay a $65 enrollment fee). Registration is through the Office of the Registrar: www.summersession.uconn.edu. Non-degree students register through the Center for Continuing Studies: www.continuingstudies.uconn.edu. A lab fee of $50 is also required as a check made out to UCONN. Housing is available. Contact Elaine Thomas at (860) 862-6393 for more information regarding housing and cost.

Craig N. Cipolla, Field School Director
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Anthropology
University of Pennsylvania

James Quinn
Mohegan Tribe
Archaeological Field Supervisor
Office # (860) 862-6893

To request a field school packet required for registered students contact:
Elaine Thomas, Archaeology Coordinator
The Mohegan Tribe
Cultural and Community Programs Dept.
5 Crow Hill Rd.
Uncasville, CT. 06382
(860) 862-6393 (phone)
(860) 862-6395 (fax)

A Little Sociology of Law...

From the "Friends and Relatives of the Department" Files...
The ways that states regulate professions is a topic of sociological interest.  The degree to which citizens have access to legal services to solve legal problems is a topic of sociological interest.  In this op-ed, these two issues come together in a sociologically interesting way.  Plus, I know the author...
-- Dan.

A case for legal aid at Wal-Mart

By Gillian Hadfield
Friday, March 12, 2010

The United States stands largely alone in advanced-market democracies in drastically restricting where and how people can get help with their legal problems. In all states, under rules created by bar associations and state supreme courts, only people with law degrees and who are admitted to the state bar can provide legal advice and services of any kind. [Read More]

Work-Family Overload-Imbalance among Women in Science and Technology


University of California, San Diego
Demands and Devotion : Work-Family Overload-Imbalance among Women in Science and Technology Industries
Monday, 15 March 2010, 2-3:30 p.m.
Blumer Room, 402 Barrows Hall

Feelings of overwork and work-to-home conflict are pervasive, particularly among professional women. Previous quantitative studies have measured the effects of structural work and family conditions on these outcomes but have neglected the influence of cultural meanings. Qualitative research on the meaning of work has not assessed its effect on overwork and conflict while controlling for structural factors. This quantitative paper investigates the effect of the “work devotion schema”—a cultural model that assumes employees will manifest intense career commitment and organizational dedication – on overload-imbalance. Using an exemplar case of senior women in science and related fields, the authors find that professionals who embrace work devotion feel less overload-imbalance than those who reject it, net of structural conditions of work and family. This finding is consistent with the authors’ theoretical argument: By specifying cognitively, morally, and emotionally framing work as a valued end, the work devotion schema renders the means of work as justified and thereby reduce feelings of overload-imbalance. However, the association of work devotion with reduced overload-imbalance is curtailed for mothers of young and school aged children. The paper assesses competing explanations and concludes by discussing implications for gender inequality.

Mary Blair-Loy is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, San Diego.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Does Gender Matter in Organized Racism?


ISSI’s Center for the Comparative Study of Right-Wing Movements along with the African American Studies Department, the Beatrice Bain Research Group, the Gender and Women's Studies Department, and the Sociology Department present:

Kathleen Blee,
Distinguished Professor and Chair of Sociology Department, University of Pittsburgh
Does Gender Matter in Organized Racism?

with Paola Bacchetta, Associate Professor of Gender and Women's Studies, UC Berkeley, as respondent

Thursday, March 11
4:00-5:30 pm
370 Dwinelle Hall

ABSTRACT: How do we know if gender matters in right-wing movements?  Drawing on my studies of women in the 1920s Ku Klux Klan and modern U.S. organized racism, as well as new scholarship on women in right-wing movements across the globe, this talk looks at assumptions that enable and circumscribe how we understand gender on the political right.  These include templates of German Nazism, the male right, social movement progressivism, historical & spatial continuity, and mobilization from the private to the public.


Kathleen Blee is Distinguished Professor of Sociology and History and Chair of the Department of Sociology at the University of Pittsburgh.  She has published two books on racist movements in the U.S., Inside Organized Racism: Women in the Hate Movement and Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the 1920s, and she has written extensively on methodological issues in studying difficult and inaccessible populations, including issues of emotion, reflexivity, legal and ethical concerns, and sampling problems.  She has also co-authored a book on the historical development of poverty, The Road to Poverty: The Making of Wealth and Hardship in Appalachia, and edited two volumes on women in protest movements, No Middle Ground: Women & Radical Protest and Feminism and Anti-Racism: International Struggles for Justice.  She is now completing a book based on a comparative ethnography of emerging social movement groups.  She is also coeditor, with Sandy Deutsch, of Women of the Right: Comparisons and Exchanges Across National Borders, which will appear next year from Penn State University Press, building on the path-breaking volume, Right-Wing Women, that was co-edited by Paola Bacchetta and Margaret Power.

Paola Bacchetta is Associate Professor of Gender and Women's Studies, at University of California at Berkeley. She is also Director of Beatrice Bain Research Group (BBRG), the research center for gender, sexuality and race based on the Berkeley campus. She earned her Ph.D. in sociology from The Sorbonne, Paris with highest honors. Her geographic areas of specialization outside the U.S. are India and France. She is author of Gender in the Hindu Nation: RSS Women as Ideologists (New Delhi: Women Unlimited, 2003), and co-editor of Right-Wing Women: From Conservatives to Extremists around the World (New York: Routledge, 2002). She has published numerous articles and book chapters on gender, sexuality, "race"-racism, postcoloniality, Hindu nationalism, political conflict, and feminist and queer movements in India, queer of color theories and practices in France, decolonial feminist and queer theorizing (including in the work of Gloria Anzaldua), and postcolonial feminist and queer theorizing. Her work has been published in the U.S., France, India, Italy, Brazil, Canada, Britain, Australia.  Her articles are accessible in journals such as Social Text; *Feminist Studies; Journal of Women's History; Antipode: A Journal of Radical Geography; Growth and Change; Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism, Cahiers du CEDREF, Sexualité, genre et société, Scholar and Feminist, Revista Estudos Feministas, etc.

This event is free, wheelchair accessible, and open to the public.

For more information, call Elizabeth Carlen at 510-642-0813 or email isscucb@gmail.com

Monday, March 8, 2010

Summer Archaeology Field School

 [Posted for M. Allen]

JULY 4  – 30, 2010

Tell es-Safi/Gath (Hebrew Tel Tsafit), Israel, is a commanding mound located on the border between the Judean foothills (the Shephelah) and the coastal plain (Philistia), approximately halfway between Jerusalem and Ashkelon. At about 100 acres in size, it is one of the largest and most important pre-Classical period archaeological sites in Israel. Tell es-Safi is identified as Canaanite and Philistine Gath (known from the Bible as the home of Goliath and Achish) and Crusader Blanche Garde. The site was inhabited continuously from the Chalcolithic period (5th millennium BCE) until 1948 CE.

The Philistine sector of the site has locally produced Mycenaean IIIC pottery just below the surface. Philistine material culture has many features associated with Cyprus and the Aegean including the introduction of hearths, which replace the Canaanite tabun (bread oven), notched animal scapulae associated with Cypriot culture, ring rhyta, animal head cups, Aegean style reel-shaped loom-weights, the earliest hydraulic plaster in the Levant, Aegean style cooking pots, and feasting remains that distinguish the Philistine culture from surrounding groups. Working at the site is a chance to study the emergence of a new cultural group at the interstices of cultural formations.

In the 2008-2009 seasons, my team uncovered a new hearth and associated installations with datable organic and glyptic remains, excavated the earliest hydraulic plaster in the Levant, excavated a stone pavement with well-preserved chisel marks, found the remains of an imported LH IIIB pyxis, and continued investigating several rubbish deposits containing a mixture of symbolic and ritual objects including an iron knife, mould for a plaque of Astarte, small basalt mortar and an assortment of animal bones including pig, sheep, cattle, and fish, pointing to diacritical feasting activity.

The deadline for registering as a volunteer for the 2010 season in July is May 1 and we always welcome inquiries. This is a great opportunity for students to get experience and training in a well-organized field project, which includes field trips to local sites and on-site lectures by various experts working in Israel.

Since 1996 a team of archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology at Bar Ilan University, under the direction of Prof. Aren M. Maeir, has been digging at Tell es-Safi/Gath. The first 14 years of the project (1996-2009) have demonstrated the great importance of the site. Other major finds include: 1) A 9th century BCE destruction layer with extraordinarily rich remains; 2) An unique siege trench, dating to the Iron Age; 3) A rich stratigraphic sequence covering the Early Bronze II through Modern times (ca. 26th BCE - 20th century CE); 4) A rich representation of the material culture of the Philistines, arch-enemies of the biblical-period Israelites; 5) Fascinating inscriptions from various periods, including Canaanite, Egyptian and Philistine (including the so-called "Goliath Inscription" recently published in BASOR).

All able and willing people between 16 and 80 are invited to join us for a unique and exciting experience uncovering the history and culture of the Holy Land. In addition to participating in all facets of the excavation process, participants will be provided with an opportunity to learn cutting-edge techniques of field archaeology, gain experience in archaeological science applications (with a unique program in inter-disciplinary archaeological science in the field), hear lectures about the archaeology and history of the region and related issues, and go on field trips to nearby sites of historical/archaeological and/or contemporary interest. Participants will join a young, vivacious team comprised of staff, students and volunteers from Israel, Australia, and the world-over. Students can earn either 3 or 6 university credits through Bar-Ilan University, the second largest university in Israel.

Accommodations (including kosher food) will be provided at idyllic Kibbutz Revadim, a short drive from the site. Rooms (4-6 per room; single and double rooms available at extra charge) are air-conditioned with wi-fi, and there will is to the Kibbutz pool. And don't forget the weekly, Thursday evening, Bar-B-Q!

WORKDAY (more or less)
6am to 1 pm excavation; Afternoon: various excavation related processes (such as pottery reading) and occasional tours; Evenings: occasional lectures. We work Sunday afternoon to Friday mid-day.

Volunteers: US$400 per week, 2 week minimum, or US$1550 for entire 4 weeks (plus US$50 registration fee). Price includes Room and Board for entire week, daily transportation to site and back, and various dig-related activities. Does not include transportation to Israel, and to and from the Base camp, as well as health and accident insurance.

Students (wishing to receive university credits): In addition to the R+B, $500 for half program (3 credits) and $1000 for full program (6 credits).

For application forms and further information, please contact:
Prof. Aren M. Maeir
The Institute of Archaeology
The Martin (Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 52900
Fax: ++972-3-6354941
Email: maeira@...
Website: www.dig-gath.org
Blog: http://gath.wordpress.com

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Academic Shoplifting : Current Events as Parable

Today's "Public Editor" column in the New York Times is about the case of a Times reporter who recently resigned after being accused of plagiarism. The reporter's explanation (he claimed that he "was as surprised as anyone that this was occurring...") involved copying and pasting text from other news sources into a file that also contained his own work and basically losing track of which work was his and which was not. Whether one is skeptical of this explanation or not, it contains an important lesson for academics and scholars: technology makes it all too easy to (accidentally) plagiarize, but technology is not an acceptable excuse for plagiarism.

One technique I use to guard against it is to paste a reference at the end of each paragraph that I type/copy from another work AND any sentence I write that's a paraphrase of another work.  That way, whenever I move text around the reference can ride along with it and I never have to depend on my memory or diligence later (when, usually, a deadline looms).

The Public Editor
Journalistic Shoplifting
Published: March 7, 2010

Other Recent Pieces on Plagiarism

The Free-Appropriation Writer(February 26, 2010)
Author, 17, Says It's 'Mixing,' Not Plagiarism (February 11, 2010)
Plagiarism: Everybody Into the Pool (January 7, 2007)
Times Business Reporter Accused of Plagiarism Is Said to Resign(February 17, 2010)
Suit Accuses Hartford Courant of Plagiarism(November 20, 2009)
Washington Post Blogger Quits After Plagiarism Accusations(March 25, 2006)
Sportswriter at Massachusetts Paper Is Fired for Plagiarism(February 4, 2005)

Friday, March 5, 2010

FYI: ICPSR Summer Courses

ICPSR courses are oriented toward faculty and graduate students but some are open to advanced undergraduates.  In any case, folks who might be interested in graduate school in the social sciences should probably know about ICPSR (a source of lots of secondary data) and their educational program.  You can get almost a semester's worth of training in just one or two weeks sometimes. The introduction courses below would be especially accessible.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Used Book Sale This Saturday

I know that they have some good sociology/social science books because I donated some! -- Dan Ryan

Used Book Sale

Saturday, Mar 6 10:00am to 4:00pm at College Preparatory School, Oakland, CA

College Prep School's annual used book fair will take place March 6 and 7 at the school, 6100 Broadway, Oakland 94618 (near Lake Temescal). Lots of books and other media for kids and adults at great prices, and the money goes to the Parents Association fund.

View Larger Map

hip hop and pornography

Our very own Professor Maggie Hunter will be presenting at the Faculty Noon Seminar this Wednesday in the faculty lounge. Title of talk is "hip hop and pornography."   Students are most welcome.

Noon to One in the Faculty Lounge behind the TeaShop Dining Room